Medical Information First Name * Middle Name * Last Name * DOB * Street Address * City * State * Zip * Height * Weight * Hair Color * Eye Color * Blood Type Primary Insurance Name * Policy Number * Seconday Insurance Name Policy Number Primary Language * Primary Doctor * Primary Doctor Phone * Last Hospitalization Emergency Contact #1 Emergency Contact Phone Preferred Pharmacy Preferred Pharmacy Address Allergies * No Known Allergies Aspirin Barbituates Codeine Demerol Horse Serum Insect Stings Latex Lidocaine Morphine Novocaine Penicillin Sulfa Tetracycline X-Rays Dyes OtherOther OtherOther OtherOther check all that apply Medical Conditions * No Known Medical Conditions Abnormal EKG Adrenal Insufficiency Alzheimer's Angina Asthma Bleeding Disorder Coronary Bypass Graft Insulin Dependent Eye Surgery Glaucoma Hearing Impaired Heart Valve Prosthesis Hemodialysis Hemolytic Anema Hypertension Hypoglycemia Heart Disease Congestive Heart Failure Check all that apply Medical Conditions Laryngectomy Leukemia Lymphomas Malignant Hypothermia Memory Impairment Myasthenia Gravis Pacemaker Renal Failure Seizure Disorder Sickle Cell Anemia Situs Inversus Stroke Vision Impaired Cancer Diabetes 2 OtherOther OtherOther OtherOther check all that apply Dentures Upper Lower Surgery 1 Surgery 2 Surgery 3 Surgery 4 Medication Dosage Frequency Medication Dosage Frequency Medication Dosage Frequency Medication Dosage Frequency Medication Dosage Frequency Medication Dosage Frequency Medication Dosage Frequency Medication Dosage Frequency Living Will, DNR, POLST, Health Directive/Proxy, and locations Remarks and other information If you are human, leave this field blank. Do Not click here until you print. To print, press CTRL-P (CMD-P on MAC) Choose Printer or PDF and follow instructions on previous dialog.