SC Checklist


Street Captain CheckList

  • Activate your FRS radio (replace batteries if not 100%) and monitor it.
  • Dress: long sleeves and pants, closed-toe shoes or boots, goggles, hard-hat, and your CERT
  • Listen for the Roll Call, Answer “Mississippi This is Street Captain (insert first name last name), checking in, over”. If you’re unable to serve, notify your Division Commander,
  • Grab your Go kit with your SC Binder, flashlight, radio, extra batteries and a supply of vests for auxiliaries if available.
  • Get PPE (you or auxiliary) for team from Lodge
  • Assemble Auxiliaries present and issue vests & PPE.
  • Do Windshield pass with your Size Up forms Use Auxiliaries to help. Sum the categories and relay to your division Notify Net Control of pass completion.
  • Listen for Auxiliary Roll Call Report Auxiliaries present.
  • Do “Door-knock” pass (DKP), on homes with the red “Help Needed” Use CERT callout and whistle. Record your findings in your Size Up form and Victim Assessment form. Upon completion of the pass, sum the categories and report to Div. Cmdr.
  • When you’re instructed to begin the Interventional pass (IP), you may be informed of other resources being deployed to your assigned area to assist you, or you may be directed to another area in In either case, a staging area/meetup point is agreed to. Prior to intervention, review the Rules of Engagement & the Tasks Based on Damage Level to guide you in keeping you and your team safe.

Always radio when, where, and who (at least two people) is entering a residence, back-yard, or other structure. Radio again when, where, and who exited the residence, back-yard, etc. Fill out the victim assessment form 5a. and let your Div. Cmdr. know the Div. Indexes of any victim’s triage as Immediate and their disposition, e.g., being transferred to Lodge.

  • If the intervention is complete, change the sign to “OK”, thus allowing the victim to change it back to “Help Needed” if situation deteriorates and they need further help.
  • Windshield pass is a continuous and ongoing Keep your Division Commander and Net Control apprised of changes in the scope of the incident, so they can deploy resources to serve the greatest good for the greatest number. Ensure you pay utmost attention to the safety of your CERT members.